Want to master Truck Parts Inventory? Complete the courses below!

Sellers Account Settings

Apply the essential skills of:

  • Verifying your company information,
  • Adding inventory settings,
  • Adding users,
  • Assigning users to roles, and
  • Moderating posts.
Start Course

logo, location, editing


Master the skills of:

  • Adding/editing companies,
  • Adding/editing additional/new contacts, and
  • Merging companies.
Start Course

vendors, overview, merge, company

Missed Sales

Learn the skills of:

  • Recording Missed Sales,
  • Running Missed Sales reports, and
  • Reading Missed Sales reports.
Start Course

Posting Trucks

Master the essential skills of:

  • Using the VIN Decoder,
  • Identifying required fields on the Add Truck form,
  • Using the Truck Breakdown Sheet,
  • Creating quality descriptions for engaging posts, and
  • Applying appropriate visuals to enhance posts.
Start Course

vehicle, identification, number

Posting Parts

Master the essential skills of:

  • Identifying required fields on the Part Type form,
  • Creating quality descriptions for engaging posts,
  • Applying appropriate visuals to enhance posts, and
  • Printing tags.
Start Course

Setting Up Taxes

Master the skills of:

  • Adding Tax Agencies,
  • Creating Taxes,
  • Grouping Taxes, and
  • Creating Tax Codes.
Start Course

removing, remove, create, system, editing


Follow along with a tutorial in video format!

Tax Settings

In this video, we walk you through setting up Taxes in Truck Parts Inventory software.

Adding Companies to Truck Parts Inventory

This short video will show you how to add companies (both customers and vendors) to your Truck Parts Inventory system.


Truck Breakdown

Need help entering truck break down parts for sale? Follow this video tutorial to learn how to use TPI's break down sheet!

Add a Part

New to TPI or just need a refresher? Use this Add A Part Video to get you started!

add, part, parts